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The European Convention on Human Rights, Non-Discrimination and Social Security: Great Scope, Little Depth?
Journal of Social Security Law (2009)
  • Mel Cousins, Glasgow Caledonian University
This article examines the non-discrimination provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights in relation to social security law. There is a now a broad power of review under the ECHR as most social security payments fall within the scope of the Convention. There is also a more flexible approach to the grounds upon which discrimination can be challenged under Article 14. However, it is suggested that the European courts may need to adopt a more nuanced (or proportionate) approach to equality review rather than a binary approach.
  • European Convention on Human Rights,
  • discrimination,
  • social security
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mel Cousins. "The European Convention on Human Rights, Non-Discrimination and Social Security: Great Scope, Little Depth?" Journal of Social Security Law Vol. 16 Iss. 3 (2009)
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