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About Mei-Yan Lu

In August 2009, Dr. Mei-Yan Lu joined the Educational Leadership Department as Professor at San Jose State University. Prior to joining to Educational Leadership Department, Dr. Lu served as full Professor and Acting Chair of the Instructional Technology Department at San Jose State University (SJSU). She served as Associate Dean at SJSU College of Education in the early 2000. In addition to teaching in the College of Education, she also taught for the Nurse Educator/Administrator graduate program for SJSU School of Nursing. In the late 90’s, Dr. Lu was a Senior Fellow in the School of Communication Studies at Nangyang Technological University in Singapore. Dr. Lu has taught in public schools as well as universities and has consulted for government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses in the United States and overseas. Dr. Lu is an internationally recognized author and keynote speaker. Her area of research and specializations include hybrid/blended learning, faculty/staff development, teacher training/support, program evaluation, service learning, design and develop multimedia for diverse audience, and English Language Learners. She has more than a hundred publications and presentations in journals, books, and conferences. She has been invited to give keynote speeches, seminars, and workshops at major conferences, universities, and companies in the United States, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, and Germany. Dr. Lu has received numerous honors and recognitions such as the Millennium Leadership Initiative (MLI) Fellow by the Association of State Colleges and Universities and the ACE/Sloan Post-Tenure Professional Renewal Faculty Fellow. She was nominated for the SJSU University Outstanding Professor Recognition Award and the Asian Community Star Award (by Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI)). She was invited by Yuan T. Lee, then President of Academia Sinica (Taiwan) and Nobel Laureate to give multimedia workshops to the Taiwan Education Reform Committee. She was a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, Silpakorn University and Chulalongkorn University (both in Thailand). She is the Past President for the International Division of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). She has served as chairs and members in many University committees at SJSU. Dr. Lu is tri-lingual, fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, and English.


Present Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, San Jose State University

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