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Serving Non-Traditional Students in E-Learning Environments: Building Successful Communities in the Virtual Campus
Educational Media International (2003)
  • Michael Miller, San Jose State University
  • Mei-Yan Lu, Ph.D., San Jose State University
Online education has grown substantially and now must be adaptable to a variety of student cultures, concerns and needs. The current study was designed to describe the efforts of faculty who teach courses online to adapt their curriculum to meet the needs of students who fall outside of the traditional college student population that is defined as someone aged 18-24 and enrolled on a full-time basis. Utilizing survey research methods, the findings largely reinforced the notion that faculty members who teach in online, e-learning environments see differences in the way traditional and non-traditional students learn and, to the best of their abilities, work to accommodate these learning differences.
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Citation Information
Michael Miller and Mei-Yan Lu. "Serving Non-Traditional Students in E-Learning Environments: Building Successful Communities in the Virtual Campus" Educational Media International Vol. 40 Iss. 1-2 (2003) p. 163 - 169 ISSN: 0952-3987
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