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Do They Look at Educational Multimedia Differently Than We Do? A Study of Software Evaluation in Taiwan and the United States
International Journal of Instructional Media (1999)
  • Mei-Yan Lu, Ph.D., San Jose State University
  • Decker F Walker, Stanford University
  • James Huang, Harvard University
Educational software is becoming a global phenomenon. Many American software companies are exporting their products overseas, such as Broderbund and The Learning Company. More and more foreign companies are exporting their software to the United States as well. How are the products from other countries like or different from products we see in the American market? How do teachers from the U.S. view software from other countries? How do teachers from other countries view software from the U.S.? If there are significant differences, what are the implications for developing educational multimedia titles for diverse populations? This presentation reports an initial effort to find answers to these questions.
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Citation Information
Mei-Yan Lu, Decker F Walker and James Huang. "Do They Look at Educational Multimedia Differently Than We Do? A Study of Software Evaluation in Taiwan and the United States" International Journal of Instructional Media Vol. 26 Iss. 1 (1999) p. 31 - 42 ISSN: 0092-1815
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