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Ameliorating culturally based extreme response tendencies to attitude items
Journal of Applied Measurement (2007)
  • Maurice Walker, ACER
  • Competency,
  • Assessment,
  • Cultural background,
  • Education,
  • Testing,
  • International programs,
  • Monitoring,
  • Rasch model,
  • Student attitudes,
  • PISA
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Using data from the PISA 2006 field trial, Rasch item response models are used to demonstrate that extreme response tendency was exhibited differentially across culturally distinct countries when answering Likert type attitude items. A single attitude scale is examined across eight culturally distinct countries in this paper. Two avenues to ameliorate this tendency are explored: first using dichotomous variants of the items, and second incorporating the country specific response tendency into the Rasch item response model. Analysis of the item variants reveals similar scale outcomes and correlations with achievement but preference for the Likert variant when test information is considered. A hierarchical analysis using facet models reveals that the data fit significantly better in a model that incorporates an interaction effect between the country and the item delta parameters. The implications for reporting attitudes measured with Likert items across cultures are outlined. [Author abstract]
Citation Information
Maurice Walker. "Ameliorating culturally based extreme response tendencies to attitude items" Journal of Applied Measurement Vol. 8 Iss. 3 (2007)
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