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Vanquishing the 'Patent Trolls'
Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 2008, Vol. 5 (5), p. 102-104. (2008)
  • Matthew Rimmer, Australian National University College of Law
Patent law provides exclusive rights to exploit scientific inventions, which are novel, inventive, and useful. The regime is intended to promote innovation, investment in research and development, and access to scientific information.

In recent times, there have been concerns that the patent system has been abused by opportunistic companies known by the phrase “patent trolls”. It has been alleged that such entities have stunted innovation and spurred unnecessary patent litigation. Adam Jaffe and Josh Lerner discuss such pathologies of patent law in their book, Innovation and Its Discontents: How our Broken Patent System is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What To Do About It. James Bessen and Michael Meurer have addressed such concerns in their recent text, Patent Failure: How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovators at Risk.

There have been particular fears about the rise of “patent trolls” in the field of information technology. Peter Dekin, an assistant general counsel at Intel, used the phrase “patent troll” to describe firms, which acquired patents only to extract settlements from companies on dubious infringement claims.
  • Patent Trolls,
  • Information Technology,
  • Biotechnology.
Publication Date
December, 2008
Citation Information
Matthew Rimmer. "Vanquishing the 'Patent Trolls'", Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 2008, Vol. 5 (5), p. 102-104.