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Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Building Support for OER from Existing Services on Campus
Library Publishing Forum 2016 (2016)
  • Matt Ruen
At Grand Valley State University, the Libraries and several campus partners--including campus IT and offices that support faculty research and effective teaching--have come together to provide support for the creation and adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER) on our campus.  But rather than developing brand new programs or asking for additional resources right at the start, we realized that each of our units already offers services that could support faculty creating and using OER.  Through our OER Initiative, we’ve begun coordinating our efforts to promote these services and build relationships with each other and with faculty allies interested in doing more with OER, in order to realize the full potential of our existing support.
In these presentation slides, I outline the partners in this initiative, the kinds of support we each offer, and how we’re combining our efforts to make our OER support more visible and more successful.  I’ll also discuss why each partner became interested in OER and chose to embrace OER support in their existing services.  The presentation will offer a catalyst for conversations about how library publishing programs can find allies on campus, how to link open access publishing issues with the priorities of other academic support services, and how existing campus initiatives might be extended to embrace OER creation or adoption without changing their mission.

Be sure to open the Notes view; that includes my full speaking notes--all of the context and details not shown on the slides themselves.
  • open educational resources,
  • library publishing,
  • collaboration,
  • partnership,
  • OER,
  • textbooks
Publication Date
Spring 2016
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Citation Information
Matt Ruen. "Greater Than the Sum of Our Parts: Building Support for OER from Existing Services on Campus" Library Publishing Forum 2016 (2016)
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