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Professor Mary Ellen O’Connell was quoted in the ABC Online article It’s war, not ‘a mission’: Abbott incorrect on Iraq action on October 3.
NDLS in the News
  • Mary Ellen O'Connell, Notre Dame Law School
Document Type
News Article
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Professor Mary Ellen O’Connell was quoted in the ABC Online article It’s war, not ‘a mission’: Abbott incorrect on Iraq action on October 3.

Mary Ellen O'Connell, Professor of Law and International Dispute Resolution at Notre Dame University in the United States, tells Fact Check the relevant criteria in international law are "very different from Mr Abbott's".

"Australia is in a 'war' or armed conflict when it engages in intense armed fighting with another organised armed group. Airstrikes using military planes, launching missiles and dropping bombs against the IS fighters are engagement in combat - regardless of the purpose," Professor O'Connell said.

Citation Information
Mary Ellen O'Connell. "Professor Mary Ellen O’Connell was quoted in the ABC Online article It’s war, not ‘a mission’: Abbott incorrect on Iraq action on October 3." (2014)
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