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Elihu Root and Crisis Prevention
Journal Articles
  • Mary Ellen O'Connell, Notre Dame Law School
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95 Am. Soc'y Int'l L. Proc. 115 (2001)

Elihu Root pursued two themes relevant to international law and crisis. He believed firmly in the value of arbitration and adjudication to prevent crisis. He also worked toward the codification and greater specificity of international law so that judges and arbitrators would have more law available to apply in aid of crisis prevention. When crisis had not been prevented, as in the case of World War I, Root did not in fact believe international law-either process or substance-had much to offer. In his view, the Kaiser started World War I because he was bent on hegemony. Arbitration would not stop him, only the use of armed force. Root, therefore, supported early U.S. entry into the war. Once the war ended, he fully supported the establishment of a world court to prevent the next war.


Reprinted with permission of the American Society of International Proceedings.

Citation Information
Mary Ellen O'Connell. "Elihu Root and Crisis Prevention" (2001)
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