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Report on Libraries and Mobile Technologies in the Age of the Visible College by Bryan Alexander
NASIG Newsletter (2013)
  • Mary Ellen Kenreich, Portland State University

How is the mobile revolution transforming libraries? What will library services and librarians look like in the age of a ubiquitously networked civilization? We begin by surveying what changes have already hit: an expanded device universe,

the e-book renaissance, the growth of new media

ecosystems, nearly-always-on user access, and the

initial switch from 'library as place' to 'place as library'.

Next we assess how mobility has impacted academia,

from teaching to research and student life. Then we

explore scenarios of the future, based on an analysis of

current trends. Scenarios include: Post-Residential

Academe; Open World; Silo World; Alt.Residential.

Bryan Alexander, publisher of the monthly online

report, Future Trends in Technology and Education, gave

a lively presentation on new mobile technologies

related to education. Technology is changing rapidly,

and with Alexander’s fast paced presentation, one

might wonder what else had developed during his talk.

  • Mobile communication systems -- Library applications,
  • Public services (Libraries) -- Technological innovations
Publication Date
September, 2013
Publisher Statement
© 2013 NASIG, the North American Serials Interest Group
Citation Information
Mary Ellen Kenreich. "Report on Libraries and Mobile Technologies in the Age of the Visible College by Bryan Alexander" NASIG Newsletter Vol. 28 Iss. 3 (2013)
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