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Excited States and Photochemistry of Saturated Molecules. VII. Potential Energy Surfaces in Excited Singlet States of Methane
Journal of Chemical Physics (1979)
  • Mark S. Gordon
  • James W. Caldwell

Potential energy surfaces are investigated for a number of low‐lying excited singlet states of methane, using a split valence plus Rydberg basis set and singly excited CI. Of the six minima found, the lowest two are valence states. The lowest minimum corresponds to the products 1 1 B 1 CH2+1 1Σ g + H2, in agreement with the observed threshold photochemistry, and is accessible by five separate routes from the lowest vertical state. The second valence minimum is a square planar structure. Of the four Rydberg minima detected, one is a local minimum on the otherwise dissociative B 1surface and two correspond closely to CH4 + structures previously determined. None of the minima have a structure from which the radical products CH3⋅+H⋅ are likely to be obtained.

  • MethanePhotochemistry,
  • Potential energy surfaces,
  • Rydberg states,
  • Excited states
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Copyright 1979 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.
Citation Information
Mark S. Gordon and James W. Caldwell. "Excited States and Photochemistry of Saturated Molecules. VII. Potential Energy Surfaces in Excited Singlet States of Methane" Journal of Chemical Physics Vol. 70 (1979)
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