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Let's talk about sex
Teacher (2009)
  • Mark Butler, ACER

With 10 per cent of students now sexually active by the age of 14, it is time we took sex education seriously, according to comedian Mark Butler. A recent report by Marie Stopes International found that Australian students are not getting adequate sex education in school. Some are not getting any at all and those who do get it often get it too late. The author believes that teachers should get students talking about sex as early as possible and the teachings should not be restricted to 'sex for procreation' but 'sex for recreation' and the pleasure it can bring. Recreational sex is one of the most important things in the world yet it is a topic that is swept under carpets in classrooms and loungerooms across Australia. So how should schools go about it? In the author's comedy shows he uses realistic scenarios and treats students with respect. He gives students real-life skills, how to get a partner and how to sexually satisfy that partner so they do not get dumped. The alternative to these suggestions is to teach abstinence, but the situation in the US where this is taught has the highest divorce rate in the world and and highest teenage pregnancy rate in the developed world.

  • Sex,
  • Sex education,
  • Sexuality,
  • Recreation,
  • Interpersonal relationship,
  • Contraception,
  • Humour,
  • Gender identity,
  • Adolescent fathers,
  • Adolescent mothers,
  • Pregnant students,
  • Primary secondary education
Publication Date
Citation Information
Mark Butler. "Let's talk about sex" Teacher Iss. 199 (2009)
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