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Quantitative Determination of Surface Excess by the Semiintegral Method
Analytical Chemistry (1993)
  • Susanne M. Dana, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Mathew E. Jablonski, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Mark R. Anderson, Kennesaw State University

In 1988 Bowling and McCreery reported that the semiintegral of voltammetric data provided an excellent method for the qualitative diagnosis of weak adsortpion of material upon an electrode. This report was important to electroanalytical chemistry because of the difficulty often encountered when trying to identify the presence of weakly adsorbed material and because of the impact that weak adsorption has upon voltammetric response. Many electrochemical analyses are dependent upon the evaluation of voltammetric wave shape, particularly kinetic analyses. Unlike strong adsorption, the presence of weakly adsorbed material does not dramatically and obviously perturb the shape of the voltammetric response; consequently, weak adsorption often goes undetected. If undetected, the perturbations will adversely affect the electrochemical analysis, hence the importance of diagnosis.

  • electrochemistry
Publication Date
April, 1993
Citation Information
Susanne M. Dana, Mathew E. Jablonski and Mark R. Anderson. "Quantitative Determination of Surface Excess by the Semiintegral Method" Analytical Chemistry Vol. 65 Iss. 8 (1993)
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