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Reinventing PowerPoint: A New Look at an Old Tool
Social Studies Research and Practice
  • Mark J. Hofer, College of William and Mary
  • Robb Ponton, Williamsburg-James City County Schools
  • Kathleen Owings Swan, University of Kentucky
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Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful, yet often underutilized, orchestration tool for learning. While its most common use may be no more powerful or effective than an overhead projector, the multimedia capabilities of the software open up powerful means to connect with diverse learners in the classroom. In this piece, we explore how PowerPoint can be used in ways that connect with Universal Design for Learning principles and make teacher and student presentations more engaging and effective. We offer several concrete examples of “thinking outside the slide” to leverage the unique potential of PowerPoint in the classroom.

Citation Information
Mark J. Hofer, Robb Ponton and Kathleen Owings Swan. "Reinventing PowerPoint: A New Look at an Old Tool" Social Studies Research and Practice Vol. 1 Iss. 3 (2006) p. 457 - 464
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