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Recent Diatoms Reported from the Central United States: Register of Taxa and Synonyms
State Biological Survey of Kanas
  • Mark E Eberle, Fort Hays State University

This list of diatoms summarizes information for more than 1000 taxa and synonyms reported in published accounts of collections made in the central United States, principally within the states of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, but also including adjacent areas in eastern Colorado and western Missouri. The objective was to provide people working on diatom projects in this region with a base reference to help them assess the results of their research. Records from Master’s theses and references focused on fossil diatoms were not incorporated into this list. Specimens were not examined, so taxa presented here are those reported in the literature or their possible synonyms. To provide users of this list with the most complete information possible, all scientific names used in the publications cited in this summary are listed with the corresponding citations. The list is subdivided into three traditional groups: centric diatoms (Coscinodiscophyceae), pennate diatoms without a raphe (Fragilariophyceae), and pennate diatoms with at least some raphe present (Bacillariophyceae). Within these three classes, the genera and species are listed alphabetically. Forms and varieties are listed alphabetically after the nominate variety.

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Citation Information
Mark E Eberle. "Recent Diatoms Reported from the Central United States: Register of Taxa and Synonyms" State Biological Survey of Kanas Iss. Report Number 77 (2016)
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