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Low Tech, High Tech, Just the Right Tech: Find the Perfect Tools to Create Multimedia for Your Library
Maine Academic Libraries Day
  • Marisa L Mendez-Brady, University of Maine
  • Shiva L Darbandi, University of Maine at Augusta
Document Type
Publication Date
Place of conference
Waterville, ME
Conference Sponsor
Colby College
Abstract/ Summary

The purpose of this presentation is to share our techniques for creating easy to use tutorials for your library. Whether you serve a small academic community, or a large university, we hope to present ideas that work for your library. We will cover the basic pedagogy behind tutorial creation and use, and then present both licensed and open sourced tools for creating multimedia tutorials at all funding levels. Participants will be asked to participate in storyboarding exercise where they put together a learning object they can take back to their institution. Our goal is to demystify the tutorial creation process.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International
Citation Information
Marisa L Mendez-Brady and Shiva L Darbandi. "Low Tech, High Tech, Just the Right Tech: Find the Perfect Tools to Create Multimedia for Your Library" Maine Academic Libraries Day (2016)
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