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Slowing Trade: Global Activism Against Trade Liberalization.
Global Policy, (2014)
  • Mario Pianta
The impact of global activism against trade liberalisation is examined in this article through an analysis of the initiatives of cross border civil society networks and with a particular attention to the failed 2003 WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancun. Key aspects considered here include the internal dynamics of mobilisation – which was characterised by a strong framing and widespread protest - and the political opportunities in WTO negotiations, which were marked by divisions within the North and resistance by a large group of Southern governments. In the failure of the WTO Millennium Round in Cancun and the loss of momentum of its liberalisation agenda, a significant role has been played by civil society activism and its ability to combine protest, well-prepared lobbying, an epistemic-like community able to influece public opinion, and the development of alliances with like-minded governments of the South.
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Citation Information
Mario Pianta. "Slowing Trade: Global Activism Against Trade Liberalization." Global Policy, Vol. 5 Iss. 2 (2014)
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