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Common Statistical Tests and Interpretation in Nursing Research
International Journal of Faith Community Nursing
  • Maria E. Main, Western Kentucky University
  • Veletta L. Ogaz, Western Kentucky University

Faith community nurses need a basic understanding of common statistical tests and their interpretation to aid in the appraisal of research for evidence-based practice. The purpose of this article is to review statistical concepts, define common statistical tests, and interpret the results of statistical tests. Common statistical tests that measure differences in groups are independent samples t-test, paired sample t-tests, and analysis of variance. Common statistical tests that measure relationships are Pearson product moment correlation and chi-square. Knowledge of statistical concepts and common statistical tests assist in the appraisal of nursing research for evidence-based practice.

Citation Information
Maria E. Main and Veletta L. Ogaz. "Common Statistical Tests and Interpretation in Nursing Research" p. 5
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