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The Kavousi-Thriphti Survey, 1988-1989
American Journal of Archaeology (1990)
  • Margaret S. Mook
  • Donald Haggis

Excavation was continued in four Late Minoan buildings on the north side of the Roussolakkos town site (Buildings 1 and 3-5). Building 1 was severely eroded but was fully revealed in outline, and good evidence was recovered for its history: founded in late LM lA, it replaced an MM IIB/LM lA structure in which metallurgical work in copper had taken place. Domestic activity (grinding grain and cooking) and some religious functions are among those suggested for the successive periods of later occupation (LM IB, LM II, and LM Ill). Building 3, adjacent to this, was much better preserved, up to a height of 1.50 m, and had a similar history. Fine marine style pottery was found in a burnt LM IB destruction level (only partially uncovered); the LM II period was represented by the fragment of an Ephyrean goblet, not found before in East Crete; later reoccupation was marked by internal subdivision and blocking walls, ending apparently with a late use as an open enclosure. Building 4 was cleared to its reoccupation floors, which contained a fine assemblage of LM IIIA2/B pottery, evidence for a possible house shrine and for industrial activity involving liquids, perhaps washing and dyeing. A rectangular seal with Minoan hieroglyphic inscription came from beneath the LM I floor, and may be associated with an earlier structure that was destroyed by earthquake in early LM lA.

Publication Date
April, 1990
Publisher Statement
Copyright Archaeological Institute of America 1990.
Citation Information
Margaret S. Mook and Donald Haggis. "The Kavousi-Thriphti Survey, 1988-1989" American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 94 Iss. 2 (1990)
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