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Haiti's Condemnation: History and Culture at the Crossroads
Latin American Research Review (2005)
  • Marc E. Prou

As Haiti emerges from its recent bicentennial, the persistent underdevelopment combined with the absence of independent social and judicial institutions denote an increase in the level of repression and social division. Such social divergence has been intensified since the overthrow of (Baby Doc) Duvalier in 1986, and subsequent political turmoil throughout the 1990's and beyond. Thus, political instability, violent overthrows, successive coups and countercoups, persistent poverty, the state against the nation, all constitute the trademarks of this economically collapsed but cultural rich Caribbean island. Interestingly, individual Haitians are relatively successful peple abroad. Thus the question then becomes: what explanations do we offer for the continuous failure of a rogue state that refuses to meet its obligations to its citizenry?

  • Haiti,
  • social and cuktural history,
  • religion,
  • political culture
Publication Date
Fall October 3, 2005
Citation Information
Marc E. Prou. "Haiti's Condemnation: History and Culture at the Crossroads" Latin American Research Review Vol. Vol. 40 Iss. No 3 (2005)
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