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About Marc Barrett

Mr. Barrett, BA Film and Television, BTeach Melb, joined ACER in August, 2014 as a test developer and has worked on a wide range of local and international early years test development projects since. Projects have included Year 3 test development for the Afghanistan Ministry of Education; Early years testing developed for the Lesotho Ministry of Education; Western Australian Education Department’s Indigenous Online learning platform; online/tablet testing and teacher resources for Early Years practitioners for the Australian Ministry of Education; as well as PAT teaching resources and test material that includes the development of new forms of online oral and visual literacy testing.
Prior to working at ACER, Mr. Barrett was manager of the Australian arm of Cineclub, the UK-based film literacy education company, for several years. While working with Cineclub, he developed film literacy programmes for dozens of primary schools across Australia as well as managing and hosting events, writing teaching resources and delivering teacher training workshops.
Prior to that, he was a classroom teacher in primary schools in Australia and Japan for almost 10 years.
Before venturing into education, Mr. Barrett worked in the commercial production industry. He has received an Assessment Services Research grant to investigate the film literacy needs of primary teachers in Australia, with a view to developing a national film literacy framework.


Present Assessment and Psychometric Research > Assessment and Reporting, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Present Research Fellow, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

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