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Correlations between Auditory‐filter Shape Parameters Measured at Proximal Center Frequencies
130th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (1995)
  • Marc A. Fagelson, University of Texas at Austin
  • Craig A. Champlin, University of Texas at Austin
Auditory‐filter shape parameters in 20 normal‐hearing listeners were determined at center frequencies (CFs) of 913, 1095, 3651, and 4382 Hz using the five‐point roex (p,r) method. Slopes of the filters’ skirts were correlated for the CFs in each frequency region at both low and high stimulus levels. In the λ=1000‐Hz region, the auditory filters’ low‐frequency slopes were significantly correlated at the low and high stimulus levels, while the high‐frequency slopes were associated at the high, but not the low level. In the λ=4000‐Hz region the relationships were clearer as the low‐frequency and high‐frequency filter skirts diverged at the low level, but were significantly correlated at high stimulus levels. Level dependencies in auditory‐filter shapes indicated subtle differences in cochlear frequency analysis at proximal places along the basilar membrane diminished as signal level was increased. Conversely, in those situations most likely to be affected by active processing along the partition, such as the low‐level and high‐frequency conditions, auditory filters centered at neighboring frequencies often did not resemble one another. This suggests that active cochlear mechanisms are not uniformly distributed throughout the length of the basilar membrane. [Work supported by the College of Communication (Jamail Grant) and NIDCD.]
  • acoustics,
  • frequency analyzers,
  • acoustic instrumentation,
  • general physics
Publication Date
December 3, 1995
St. Louis, MO
Copyright 1995 Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.

The following abstract appeared in Marc A. Fagelson, Craig A. Champlin, Correlations between Auditory Filter Parameters Measured at Proximal Center Frequencies, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98, 2945 (1995) and may be found at
Citation Information
Marc A. Fagelson and Craig A. Champlin. "Correlations between Auditory‐filter Shape Parameters Measured at Proximal Center Frequencies" 130th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (1995)
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