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Beyond Observable Prejudice-Moving from Recognition of Differences to Feasible Solutions: A Critique of Ian Ayres' Pervasive Prejudice?
Oklahoma Law Review
  • Mary Margaret Penrose, Texas A&M University School of Law
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As a female professor working within the academic ranks of a law school, I did not have to read Ian Ayres' work, Pervasive Prejudice? Unconventional Evidence of Race and Gender Discrimination, to know that the odds remain quite high that blacks and women will be subjected to greater instances of discrimination in the marketplace, in medical facilities, and in judicial proceedings than their white male counterparts. Although I would not suggest that such conclusion is axiomatic, it certainly is observable on an experiential level by those falling within the two categories (race and gender) discussed in Professor Ayres' book. Perhaps the greatest contribution of Pervasive Prejudice is that it reminds us that the civil rights laws meant to protect women and minorities are still not fulfilling their promise

University of Oklahoma College of Law
Citation Information
Mary Margaret Penrose. "Beyond Observable Prejudice-Moving from Recognition of Differences to Feasible Solutions: A Critique of Ian Ayres' Pervasive Prejudice?" Oklahoma Law Review Vol. 55 Iss. 2 (2002) p. 361 - 371
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