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High-Frequency Fluctuations of a Modulated, Helical Electron Beam
Physics of Plasmas
  • Mark Anthony Reynolds, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Submitting Campus
Daytona Beach
Physical Sciences
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The high-frequency electromagnetic field generated by a density-modulated, helical electron beam propagating in a magnetized plasma is calculated. The magnetic fluctuations are found to exhibit spatially localized ~evanescent! resonances at harmonics of the electron-cyclotron frequency, whose width is determined by the pitch angle of the beam, and whose existence is a consequence of the helical geometry. In addition, electrostatic modes are radiated near the hybrid frequencies, and electromagnetic modes are radiated above the upper-hybrid frequency. The predicted frequency spectrum and mode structure in configuration space are in good agreement with experimental observations of discrete emission lines at the electron-cyclotron harmonics.

AIP Publishing
Citation Information
Mark Anthony Reynolds. "High-Frequency Fluctuations of a Modulated, Helical Electron Beam" Physics of Plasmas Vol. 3 (1996) p. 4717 - 4724
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