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Preparations of the Visegrad Group Countries for Admission to the European Union: Monetary Policy Aspects
WCBT Faculty Publications
  • Lucjan T. Orlowski, Sacred Heart University
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This study examines the path of adjustments of the exchange rate system in the transforming economy of Poland. It emphasizes the relative advantage of flexible exchange rates over the currency peg. It focuses on several aspects of the exchange rate policy that have not been adequately discussed. One of them is the rationale for returning to a currency peg to the leading currencies of the European Union (EU) and, in the future, to the Euro as a part of necessary preparations of the economy of Poland for accession to the Union. A return to a peg means the reversal from the path of the exchange rate system adjustments that has prevailed during the first five years, or in the first stage of the economic transformation. The study evaluates the rationale of applying a currency peg, thus “borrowing” monetary policy credibility from abroad, when the program of disinflation fails and the government loses a chance to stabilize the economy. High inflation that persists over a long time period is usually caused by automatic indexation, and adaptive expectations. Such chronic or inertial inflation continues long after the expiration of corrective inflation, or inflation stemming from price liberalization, cuts in subsidies and trade liberalization.


Published: Orlowski, Lucjan. "Preparations of the Visegrad Group Countries for Admission to the European Union: Monetary Policy Aspects." Economics of Transition 3.3 (1995): 333-353.

Citation Information
Orlowski, Lucjan. "Preparations of the Visegrad Group Countries for Admission to the European Union: Monetary Policy Aspects." Economics of Transition 3.3 (1995): 333-353.