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Exponential Convergence to Non-Equilibrium Stationary States in Classical Statistical Mechanics
Communications in Mathematical Physics (2001)
  • L Rey-Bellet, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • L Thomas
We continue the study of a model for heat conduction [6] consisting of a chain of non-linear oscillators coupled to two Hamiltonian heat reservoirs at different temperatures. We establish existence of a Liapunov function for the chain dynamics and use it to show exponentially fast convergence of the dynamics to a unique stationary state. Ingredients of the proof are the reduction of the infinite dimensional dynamics to a finite-dimensional stochastic process as well as a bound on the propagation of energy in chains of anharmonic oscillators.
Publication Date
January 1, 2001
Citation Information
L Rey-Bellet and L Thomas. "Exponential Convergence to Non-Equilibrium Stationary States in Classical Statistical Mechanics" Communications in Mathematical Physics Vol. 255 Iss. 2 (2001)
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