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Unpublished Paper
Agronomic, environmental and economic performance of alternative biomass cropping systems
Leopold Center Completed Grant Reports
  • Lisa A. Schulte Moore, Iowa State University
  • Kenneth J. Moore, Iowa State University
  • Richard B. Hall, Iowa State University
  • Arne Hallam, Iowa State University
  • Matt Helmers, Iowa State University
Project ID
If cellulosic biomass is to play a significant role in America's energy future, research needs to be conducted on the optimal production and placement practices. This project looked at a portfolio of biomass cropping systems that might be adopted for Iowa.
Key Question
Whether and where could a suite of alternative biomass cropping systems be competitive with a continuous corn system according to agronomic, environmental and economic measures?
The team evaluated this question through field experimentation, measurement and subsequent data analysis.
Principal Investigator(s)
Lisa A. Schulte Moore
Ken Moore, Richard Hall, Arne Hallam, Matt Helmers
Year of Grant Completion
Citation Information
Lisa A. Schulte Moore, Kenneth J. Moore, Richard B. Hall, Arne Hallam, et al.. "Agronomic, environmental and economic performance of alternative biomass cropping systems" (2013)
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