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Vitamin Content of Breast Milk From HIV-1–Infected Mothers Before and After Flash-Heat Treatment
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (2008)
  • Kiersten A. Israel-Ballard
  • Barbara F. Abrams
  • Anna Coutsoudis
  • Lindiwe Sibeko, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Lynn A. Cheryk
  • Caroline J. Chantry
(EBM) as one method to reduce postnatal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in developing countries. Flash-heat is a simple heat treatment method shown to inactivate cell-free HIV. Objective—To determine the effect of flash-heat on vitamin content of milk. Methods—Fresh EBM was collected from 50 HIV+ mothers in Durban, South Africa. Mothers washed their hands and then manually expressed 75–150 mL EBM into sterile jars. Milk was aliquoted to unheated controls or flash-heat (50 mL EBM in a glass jar heated in a 450-mL water jacket in an aluminum pan until water boiled, then EBM removed) simulating field conditions with an open flame. Samples were stored at −70°C and then analyzed for the effect of flash-heat on vitamins [A, ascorbic acid, riboflavin (B2), pyridoxal-5-phosphate (B6), folate, and B12]. Results—Vitamin A was not significantly affected by flash-heat and vitamins B12 and C and folate increased significantly. Vitamins B2 and B6 were decreased to 59% (95% confidence interval 44 to 81) and 96% (95% confidence interval 92 to 99), respectively, of that found in unheated milk. Conclusions—The percentage remaining after flash-heat suggests that most vitamin concentrations are retained after heating. Flash-heat may be a practical and nutritious infant feeding method for mothers in developing countries.
  • prevention of mother-to-child transmission,
  • HIV,
  • flash-heat,
  • breastmilk,
  • pasteurization,
  • heat treatment,
  • vitamins
Publication Date
August, 2008
Publisher Statement
This article was harvested from PubMed Central. doi:10.1097/QAI.0b013e31817beb8d
Citation Information
Kiersten A. Israel-Ballard, Barbara F. Abrams, Anna Coutsoudis, Lindiwe Sibeko, et al.. "Vitamin Content of Breast Milk From HIV-1–Infected Mothers Before and After Flash-Heat Treatment" Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Vol. 48 Iss. 4 (2008)
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