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Encircling Linearity in Carlos Saura's Peppermint Frappé
Romance Languages Annual
  • Linda M. Willem, Butler University
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Spanish director Carlos Saura is internationally famous for creating films where the past, the present, and the future are fused together and intermixed with reality, fantasy, and dreams. Although this practice is generally recognized by critics as one of Saura's strategies for circumventing the repressive censorship operating during the Franco era, María Delgado points out that Saura's continued reliance on non-linear narratives in his post-Franco work "indicates that his style was determined as much by a desire to interrogate the possibilities of the medium as by censorship" (375). Indeed, in an interview with Antonio Castro, Saura has been quoted as saying "Estoy total mente en contra de la vuelta a la moda del modele de cine americano, de que hay que contar historias lineales" (46).


This article was originally published in Romance Languages Annual X. Author(s) reserves all rights.

Citation Information
Willem, Linda M. "Encircling Linearity in Carlos Saura's Peppermint Frappé." Romance Languages Annual X (1999): 859-61. Available from: