A Review of Diffuse Reflections in Architectural Acoustics
Durham School of Architectural Engineering and Construction: Faculty Publications
Date of this Version
Diffuse reflections have received increasing attention in architectural acoustics over the past quarter century. The term diffuse refers to non-specular directions. This paper identifies three mechanisms that cause diffuse reflections. Practitioners have found that changing specular reflections into diffuse reflections can reduce noise and echoes both indoors and outdoors. Developers of acoustical modeling software have also found that modeling diffuse in additional to specular reflections produces more accurate predictions. The final portion of this paper presents results for a study of scattering coefficients in acoustical modeling software.
Citation Information
Jonathan Rathsam and Lily M Wang. "A Review of Diffuse Reflections in Architectural Acoustics" (2006) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/lilymwang/11/
Published in Building Integration Solutions, ed. Mohammed Ettouney, P.E., Proceedings Of The 2006 Architectural Engineering National Conference, March 29.April 1, 2006, Omaha, Nebraska. Sponsored By The Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Reston, VA: ASCE, 978-0-7844-0798-1 or 0-7844-0798-3, 2006.