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About Lily Kong

Professor Kong has 27 years of solid experience as a distinguished educator, prolific researcher and senior academic leader. She has extensive experience in academic management and significant international experience. She had served in several senior academic positions at NUS, before joining SMU as provost from 1 September 2015. In January 2019, she was appointed as the President of SMU

Well-known internationally as a social, cultural and urban geographer, Professor Kong is widely regarded as a thought leader in the study of social and cultural change in Asian cities. An award-winning researcher and teacher, Professor Kong has received five international fellowship awards, including the Commonwealth Fellowship Award and the Fulbright Fellowship Award. She has also won an award from the Association of American Geographers for her contributions to the study of religion.

Professor Kong has extensive experience and a strong international reputation for her academic work, having served or serving as co-editor or member of international editorial advisory boards for more than 15 journals. She is frequently sought after as keynote speaker for international conferences. A prolific writer, she has 19 books and monographs to her name, as well as over 150 papers in international refereed journals and chapters in books.

Professor Kong sits on numerous boards, committees, commissions and councils locally and internationally. Locally, these include the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony, Public Service Commission, Housing and Development Board, National Heritage Board, A*STAR, Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore Art Museum and Mt Alvernia Hospital. Internationally, she has participated in external assessment and review panels for universities ranging from the University of Auckland to National Taiwan University and Waseda University, as well as served on the United Nations University Council and advisory boards of numerous research institutes and centres in Germany and Australia.


Present President, Singapore Management University Provost


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+65 68281940
Singapore Management University
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81 Victoria Street
Singapore 188065


Articles (126)