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Librarybox: the easy solution for checkout ebooks
ALA Annual Conference (2015)
  • Li Chen, Kennesaw State University
  • Yongli Ma
Abstract: KSU Johnson Library purchased several ebooks in epub and mobi format. However these files don’t have URL links and cannot be accessed via library system nor can they be directly transferred to e-reader devices. How can we make these ebooks accessible for users? After an extensive research, we found out that “LibraryBox” is an excellent solution. LibraryBox can make the process of downloading epub or mobi files to e-readers directly. We purchased the LibraryBox in Nov. 2014. We configured it and transferred the epub and mobi files into LibraryBox and downloaded to the library e-readers. In this poster, we will demonstrate step by step how we configured and transferred ebooks to LibraryBox and then dump to e-readers so students and faculty can check out e-readers to read them.
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Citation Information
Li Chen and Yongli Ma. "Librarybox: the easy solution for checkout ebooks" ALA Annual Conference (2015)
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