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Unpublished Paper
Ricardian Rent Explains Costs of Elite Colleges
Economic Science (2013)
  • Lester G Telser, University of Chicago
Elite colleges are non profit institutions with limited capacity. An excess of receipts over costs due to higher demand for admission produces a surplus that could destroy their non profit status. To prevent this, elite colleges raise costs in the form of increased payments to their administrators and other favored recipients. This creates a commensurate higher cost by enough for elite colleges to maintain their non profit status. Nonprofit Organizations JEL L30, Economic Science JEL B30
  • Rent,
  • Nonprofit,
  • Elite Colleges,
  • Economic Science
Publication Date
November, 2013
Citation Information
Lester G Telser. "Ricardian Rent Explains Costs of Elite Colleges" Economic Science (2013)
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