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The Symmetric M-Matrix and Symmetric Inverse M-Matrix Completion Problems
Linear Algebra and its Applications
  • Leslie Hogben, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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The symmetric M-matrix and symmetric M0-matrix completion problems are solved and results of Johnson and Smith [Linear Algebra Appl. 290 (1999) 193] are extended to solve the symmetric inverse M-matrix completion problem: (1) A pattern (i.e., a list of positions in an n×n matrix) has symmetric M-completion (i.e., every partial symmetric M-matrix specifying the pattern can be completed to a symmetric M-matrix) if and only if the principal subpattern R determined by its diagonal is permutation similar to a pattern that is block diagonal with each diagonal block complete, or, in graph theoretic terms, if and only if each component of the graph of R is a clique. (2) A pattern has symmetric M0-completion if and only if the pattern is permutation similar to a pattern that is block diagonal with each diagonal block either complete or omitting all diagonal positions, or, in graph theoretic terms, if and only if every principal subpattern corresponding to a component of the graph of the pattern either omits all diagonal positions, or includes all positions. (3) A pattern has symmetric inverse M-completion if and only if its graph is block-clique and no diagonal position is omitted that corresponds to a vertex in a graph-block of order >2. The techniques used are also applied to matrix completion problems for other classes of symmetric matrices.


This is a manuscript of an article published as Hogben, Leslie. "The symmetric M-matrix and symmetric inverse M-matrix completion problems." 353, no. 1-3 Linear Algebra and its Applications (2002): 159-168. DOI: 10.1016/S0024-3795(02)00301-4. Posted with permission.

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Elsevier Science Inc.
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Citation Information
Leslie Hogben. "The Symmetric M-Matrix and Symmetric Inverse M-Matrix Completion Problems" Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 353 (2002) p. 159 - 168
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