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Eleven Big Ideas About Conflict: A Superficial Guide for the Thoughtful Journalist
UF Law Faculty Publications
  • Leonard L. Riskin, University of Florida Levin College of Law
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Dispute resolution (Law)

When Professor Richard Reuben asked me to speak about the most basic ideas in conflict resolution to a group that included renowned journalists and journalism scholars, I balked. Surely these notions would seem too obvious, mundane, or superficial. But Richard - a practicing journalist for many years as well as an expert on conflict - assured me that the audience would find most of them surprising and useful. I hope he is correct.

I plan to present eleven ideas from the dispute resolution literature that I find particularly helpful in my work and life and which I think any journalist would benefit from knowing. The list is a bit idiosyncratic, reflecting my own peculiar journey in the academic and professional worlds of conflict, which has leaned toward the kinds of disputes in which lawyers routinely get involved. So I make no claim that these are the top eleven ideas, and I hope that other commentators will supplement and amend this list.

Citation Information
Leonard L. Riskin, Eleven Big Ideas About Conflict: A Superficial Guide for the Thoughtful Journalist, 2007 J. Disp. Resol. 157, available at