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An agent-based computational laboratory for testing the economic reliability of wholesale power market designs
Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
  • D. Koesrinartoto, Iowa State University
  • Junjie Sun, Iowa State University
  • Leigh Tesfatsion, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
2005 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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Publication Date
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2005 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
Conference Date
June 16, 2005
(37.7749295, -122.41941550000001)
In April 2003 the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proposed the wholesale power market platform (WPMP) for adoption by all U.S. wholesale power markets. The WPMP market design envisions day-ahead, real-time, and ancillary service markets maintained and operated by an independent system operator or regional transmission organization. Previous work reports on the development of an agent-based model for testing the economic reliability of the WPMP market design. This paper reports on the implementation of this model as an agent-based computational laboratory. Initial experiments focusing on optimal power flow solution methods for the day-ahead and real-time markets are also discussed.

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Citation Information
D. Koesrinartoto, Junjie Sun and Leigh Tesfatsion. "An agent-based computational laboratory for testing the economic reliability of wholesale power market designs" San Francisco, CAProceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (2005) p. 931 - 936
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