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Facebook Frets: The Role of Social Media Use in Predicting Social and Facebook-Specific Anxiety
Journal of Alabama Academy of Science (2015)
  • Lee Farquhar, Butler University
  • Theresa Davidson, Samford University
Theory suggests that Facebook users may experience anxiety due to accessibility of their self-presentations to their entire networks. This project examines the impact of Facebook use on general social anxiety and Facebook-specific anxiety. Predictors we consider include the intensity of Facebook use, role conflict experienced during Facebook use, self-monitoring activities of the user, and religiosity of the user. Findings indicate that Facebook may, indeed, be increasing anxiety. Role conflict and religiosity can also increase Facebook-specific anxiety. Self-monitoring decreases Facebook-specific anxiety but increases general social anxiety. These findings suggest that, under certain circumstances, Facebook use may lead to heightened anxiety.
  • Facebook,
  • anxiety,
  • social network,
  • self-monitoring,
  • role-conflict
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
This is a post-print version of an article originally published in Journal of Alabama Academy of Science, 2015, Volume 85, Issue 1. The version of record is available through: Archived with permission from Journal of Alabama Academy of Science, all rights reserved.
Citation Information
Davidson, T. and Lee, L.K. (2015) Facebook Frets: The Role of Social Media Use in Predicting Social and Facebook-Specific Anxiety. Journal of Alabama Academy of Science. 85(1).