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Intro to Intros: Victorian Literature in Brief
Classics of British Literature
  • Leah Kind, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Document Type
Teacher Resource
Publication Date

Often, teachers struggle with a way to introduce students to a large canon (such as Victorian Literature) without overwhelming them with a heavy reading load. Many teachers can also not expect that students will read outside of class, and cannot devote great swaths of time to in-class reading. This lesson seeks to introduce students to some exemplary representational examples of Victorian literature by reading a portion of the novel’s first chapter, and allowing them to discuss what they have seen, analyze, make predictions, and draw conclusions, based on their reading. This lesson is most suitable for students who have already done some critical reading in their English courses, and are positioned to make predictions about characters, plot development, atmosphere, and literary styles.

Citation Information
Leah Kind. "Intro to Intros: Victorian Literature in Brief" (2015)
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