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Spray drying process for encapsulation of condiment particles
  • Lawrence A. Johnson
  • Edgar J. Beyn

An improvement in process for producing encapsulated condiment particles by spray drying wherein said spray-dried particles are cooled while they are maintained in gas-suspended condition in order to prevent them from agglomerating upon collection. The process involves contacting a first spray of particles with cold air to assist in atomizing it; then spraying a second particle stream which contacts the first. The particle stream which is formed, is then discharged through a heating zone, after which it is cooled while being maintained in a gas suspended condition. Finally, the resulting coated particles are separated from the gas.

Publication Date
April 6, 1976
Citation Information
Lawrence A. Johnson and Edgar J. Beyn. "Spray drying process for encapsulation of condiment particles" (1976)
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