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Trust the teaching profession with the responsibilities of a profession.
Professional Voice (2011)
  • Lawrence C Ingvarson, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Teaching may be unique among professions in that governments, not practitioners, define the standards teachers must meet, despite the work of dozens of subject associations. With Canberra proposing a performance pay system that is doomed to fail, Ingvarson says it’s time to trust the professionals.
  • teacher professionalism,
  • professional standards,
  • teachers
Publication Date
Winter 2011
Publisher Statement
Published by the Australian Education Union Victorian Branch.
Copyright is held by respective authors. The opinions of the authors are their own and are not necessarily the policy of the Australian Education Union Victorian Branch. For authorisation to reproduce any article in part or whole, please contact the editor.
Citation Information
Lawrence C Ingvarson. "Trust the teaching profession with the responsibilities of a profession." Professional Voice Vol. 8 Iss. 3 (2011) ISSN: 1445-4165
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