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ICLR 2019 Conference Handout: Resources related to "Outside the Law Office: Where Do the Boundaries of Regulation Lie?"
ICLR 2019 (2019)
  • Laurel S. Terry
This handout was prepared for the ICLR 2019 Conference held in Edinburgh, Scotland:  The session was entitled "Outside the Law Office: Where Do the Boundaries of Regulation Lie?.”  This handout is divided into four sections:

1) the "remit of regulation” in the United States;
2) international and U.S. resources related to the topic of lawyers’ separate business interests;
3) international and U.S. resources related to the topic of lawyers’ use of social media; and
4) lawyers in the gig economy.

In addition to the resources listed in this handout, Laurel Terry’s conference presentation referred to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, which are found at and social media data from the Pew Research Center: (2018 survey of social media use in 39 countries) and more recent Pew data: .
  • lawyers,
  • legal services,
  • social media,
  • lawyers in the gig economy,
  • lawyers' separate business interests,
  • ICLR,
  • ICLR 2019
Publication Date
Citation Information
Laurel S. Terry, "Outside the Law Office: Where Do the Boundaries of Regulation Lie?" International Conference of Legal Regulators (Sept. 5, 2019), available at