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A Sense of Place in a Globalized World: Place-Based Organizing for Corporate Accountability
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (2007)
  • Laura Stivers, Pfeiffer University
 An emphasis on labor mobility as well as the expendability people and the environment in late-stage capitalism prompts my exploration of rootedness to place as one value that can inform how we more justly construct our economies. I argue that rootedness to place is important for many people, while also noting the dangers of romanticizing the notion of place and/or using it to justify exclusion or oppression. In this essay, I theologically reflect on our connections to both ecological and human communities of a place, and argue that these connections should be guided by justice. Then I show how communities have promoted social and environmental justice by organizing to hold corporations accountable to particular places. 
Publication Date
Spring 2007
Citation Information
Laura Stivers. "A Sense of Place in a Globalized World: Place-Based Organizing for Corporate Accountability" Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics Vol. 27 Iss. 1 (2007) p. 95 - 112 ISSN: 1540-7942
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