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Mendeley or Zotero: Which Should the Mobile Researcher Use?
The Charleston Advisor (2012)
  • Laura Pope Robbins, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Today's bibliographic managers provide cloud storage so that papers can be attached to 
citations and syncing services, in order for papers and citations to be available in multiple 
mediums. Mendeley and Zotero are two services that offer online storage of papers and 
citations, desktop applications, and tablet integration. Mendeley has an iPad application and 
an open API so that developers can create apps for Android tablets. Zotero is an open-
source project that encourages developers to create both iPad and Android apps. Both 
suites can be integrated with word processing software for accurate in-text and bibliographic 
entries, provide full-text indexing of PDF documents, and can attach notes to citations. 
Choosing between them depends upon what features a mobile researcher would need and 
  • Bibliographic manager,
  • Citations
Publication Date
October 1, 2012
Citation Information
Laura Pope Robbins. "Mendeley or Zotero: Which Should the Mobile Researcher Use?" The Charleston Advisor Vol. 14 Iss. 2 (2012) p. 5 - 11
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