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The Social Implications of Emerging Technologies
  • Katina Michael, University of Wollongong

As the Program Committee Chair, I would like to first and foremost thank the forty person strong international program committee for their support, feedback and contributions from the outset. The Committee itself was made up of researchers from 11 countries, covering diverse disciplines and expertise. In their own right members of the program committee are renowned researchers, cited in many of the papers appearing in this year’s ISTAS full proceedings, and over the years appearing in associated publications such as IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. It was such an honour to work with persons possessing a truly collaborative spirit, some of whom had more than 40 years experience in research and teaching in their chosen field of expertise. Putting together the committee proved to be an exercise in finding world-renowned researchers in specific disciplines that covered the main tracks of the conference. The willingness of the program committee to participate in ISTAS2010, despite its heavy multidisciplinary approach, demonstrated the increasing need and support towards cross-disciplinary research. In the committee are ICT practitioners from large transnational companies, computer engineers, transport engineers, lawyers, communications experts, persons working in defence-related posts, philosophers, medical researchers, leaders of non-government organizations and advocacy groups, anthropologists, sociologists, ethicists, and theologians. This diverse group of people all came together under the theme The Social Implications of Emerging Technologies. At the core, the theme of the conference focuses on new technological innovations that are either here now, or about to be diffused onto the market. The fact that so many researchers of different backgrounds find the social implications of emerging technologies to be a relevant theme indicates the growing need for incorporating diverse feedback into the social innovation process. Engineers alone cannot hope to solve every issue or even understand every issue, and as the new IEEE tagline promotes, advancing humanity can only happen properly if diverse stakeholders are consulted, thereby coming together to provide holistic direction on the application and use of new technological innovations. The caliber of the program committee members was reflected in the overall number of submissions receivedfull papers, short papers, and presentation only. There were about 120 papers submitted for review with a total of 70 papers being accepted at the conference. The review process was substantial with about 135 international expert reviewers reviewing two or more papers. I would like to thank the review panel for their time and commitment- many of whom turned around substantial review comments in less than 4 weeks from the time of receipt. Reviewers gave of their time freely, and where they could not accept to review additional papers, they were only too willing to direct me onward to others. Of the 70 papers accepted, fifty-seven were full papers, and thirteen were presentation only papers. The papers were written by researchers in 15 countries including: Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States of America. Of the 70 paper presentations, five papers will be presented via Skype at the conference. I would like to commend the authors for the manner in which they received critical review comments, and amended their papers accordingly. Two special tracks will be presented on day three of the conference- (1) location-based services for travel and tourism and (2) internet filtering and regulationboth of these sessions promise to be a highlight. What we have achieved together is a high quality list of papers, which I believe will make a long-lasting impression on the wider engineering community. There is much potential here in attracting new members to the Society, who may see new and novel ways in which they might be able to contribute in an associate membership capacity to the IEEE charter in the 21st century. Finally, I am especially indebted to the nine hand-picked keynote speakers, plenary and theme speakers, and invited speakers who traveled from far and wide to present their cutting edge research on nanotechnology, ICT implants, cyborgs, DNA, ethics, privacy and the like. I have learnt so much from each and every one of you, and it has been a pleasure to correspond with you so often over the last 12 months on various aspects of your respective presentations. You are each at the cutting edge of your fields and it will be extremely special to see you altogether debating and discussing on technological issues that are destined to affect each and every one of us in the coming years. Associate Professor Katina Michael

  • Emerging Technologies,
  • RFID,
  • GPS,
  • Chip Implants,
  • Implantables,
  • Smart phones,
  • Regulation,
  • Legislation,
  • Society,
  • Technology,
  • DNA
Publication Date
June 7, 2010
Katina Michael
IEEE Sympsium on Technology and Society (ISTAS)
Publisher Statement
The full proceedings of this conference can be found by searching IEEExplore database and also YouTube for audio-visual recordings of keynotes, invited and plenary speakers.
Citation Information
Katina Michael. The Social Implications of Emerging Technologies. 1Wollongong, NSW(2010)
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