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Editorial: Special Issue on Service-Based Electronic Commerce Systems
Electronic Commerce Research (2013)
  • Katina Michael, University of Wollongong
  • Nanjing University, Nanjing University
  • France Telecom (R&D), France Telecom (R&D)

The increasing popularity of service-based applications accounts for the growth of e-commerce, as e-commerce systems are maintained by service providers themselves. Further, service-based e-commerce systems provide a flexible, low-cost business model to enable customers to focus more on their core business. The business can easily meet the fluctuating demands of business transactions through this model. Emerging electronic commerce systems are expected to be available anytime, anywhere, and using different official or personal computing devices. Service-based ecommerce systems will have businesses as customers using an on-demand model. Differing from traditional electronic commerce, the timely reporting and resolution of customer issues resulting in enhanced customer service and ubiquitous usage are the advantages of service-based e-commerce systems. This special issue aims to expose the readership to the latest research results on service-based electronic commerce systems, including the key technologies, such as enhancing the scalability, reliability, operational portability, security, integration and performance of the services.

Publication Date
March 28, 2013
Citation Information
Katina Michael, Nanjing University and France Telecom (R&D). "Editorial: Special Issue on Service-Based Electronic Commerce Systems" Electronic Commerce Research Vol. 13 Iss. 2 (2013)
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