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Sousveillance and Point of View Technologies in Law Enforcement: An Overview
The Sixth Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security: Sousveillance and Point of View Technologies in Law Enforcement (An Overview) (2012)
  • Katina Michael, University of Wollongong
  • M.G. Michael

In corresponding with Professor Steve Mann, we exchanged our thoughts on sousveillance and on the existential axis he had developed. He wrote in the Surveillance and Society Journal: “One way to challenge and problematize both surveillance and acquiescence to it is to resituate these technologies of control on individuals, offering panoptic technologies to help them observe those in authority. We call this inverse panopticon “sousveillance” from the French words for “sous” (below) and “veiller” to watch.” Point of view on the other hand has a different connotation to sousveillance emphasising the camera holder’s position and power. Traditionally, it is a technique in motion photography. Both are important in law enforcement as on the one hand police are subjected to sousveillance, and on the other hand they are playing to a new theatre.

  • sousveillance,
  • POV,
  • law enforcement,
  • emerging technologies,
  • regulation
Publication Date
February 22, 2012
Citation Information
Katina Michael and M.G. Michael. "Sousveillance and Point of View Technologies in Law Enforcement: An Overview" The Sixth Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security: Sousveillance and Point of View Technologies in Law Enforcement (An Overview) (2012)
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