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Katina Michael giving evidence as a board member of the Australian Privacy Foundation at the Senate Standing Committee for Legal and Consitutional Affairs (Personal Property Securities Bill 2008)
  • K. Michael, University of Wollongong

Senate standing committees, covering every area of government operations, have developed a reputation as the backbone of the Senate’s committee work. Standing committees permit a continuing surveillance of defined fields of government activity, call upon scholarly research and advice and create an awareness of the Senate’s ‘watchdog’ function. There are a number of different kinds of standing committees: domestic, legislative scrutiny, legislative and general purpose, and joint. In this instance, acting in the capacity of an Australia Privacy Foundation (APF) board member, I was granted an invitation to give evidence at the Committee's public hearing which was held on Thursday, 22 January 2009 betwen 2 and 2.45 pm. The venue for the hearing is the Jubilee Room, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney. The Committee’s practice is to invite a representative to make a brief opening statement, outlining their main arguments, and then to answer questions from Senators. The hearing is open to the public and the media.

  • Personal Property Securities Bill,
  • Senate,
  • Katina Michael,
  • Australian Privacy Foundation,
  • Evidence
Publication Date
January 22, 2009
Citation Information
K. Michael. "Katina Michael giving evidence as a board member of the Australian Privacy Foundation at the Senate Standing Committee for Legal and Consitutional Affairs (Personal Property Securities Bill 2008)" (2009)
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