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Unpublished Paper
ΙΑΚΩΒΟΥ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ B - The Letter of James, Chapter Two
  • Keith L. Yoder, University of Massachusetts

This is my interpretive reading of the Hellenistic Greek text of the second chapter of the New Testament Letter of James. As before, I use the pronunciation system of Phonemic Koine Greek advocated by Randall Buth and others. The Letter of James is the most aurally poetic work in the New Testament. My aim in this video is to make that poetry of sound evident to the listener. I am solely responsible for any errors in pronunciation. The spoken text exactly follows the displayed text, which is from the public domain 1904 Nestle edition. The file received by clicking the download button is only a pdf of the PowerPoint slide show. The much larger full video file with sound is available on YouTube at

  • New Testament,
  • Epistle of James,
  • Koine Greek
Publication Date
Citation Information
Keith L. Yoder. "ΙΑΚΩΒΟΥ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ B - The Letter of James, Chapter Two" (2014)
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