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On black hole horizon fluctuations
Nuclear Physics B (1999)
  • Kirill Tuchin, Tel Aviv University
A study of the high angular momentum particles ‘atmosphere’ near the Schwarzschild black hole horizon suggested that strong gravitational interactions occur at invariant distance of the order of 3√M [2]. We present a generalization of this result to the Kerr-Newman black hole case. It is shown that the larger charge and angular momentum black hole bears, the larger invariant distance at which strong gravitational interactions occur becomes. This invariant distance is of order 3√r+2(r+ − r−). This implies that the Planckian structure of the Hawking radiation of extreme black holes is completely broken.
  • atmosphere,
  • black hole,
  • fluctuations,
  • semi-classical approximation
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Citation Information
Kirill Tuchin. "On black hole horizon fluctuations" Nuclear Physics B Vol. 553 Iss. 1-2 (1999)
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