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Iron regulatory protein 1 is not required for the modulation of ferritin and transferrin receptor expression by iron in a murine pro-B lymphocyte cell line
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1997)
  • Kevin Schalinske, University of Wisconsin
  • Kenneth P. Blemings
  • Daniel W. Steffen
  • Opal S. Chen
  • Richard S. Eisenstein
Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are cytoplasmic RNA binding proteins that are central components of a sensory and regulatory network that modulates vertebrate iron homeostasis. IRPs regulate iron metabolism by binding to iron responsive element(s) (IREs) in the 5* or 3* untranslated region of ferritin or transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNAs. Two IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, have been identified previously. IRP1 exhibits two mutually exclusive functions as an RNA binding protein or as the cytosolic isoform of aconitase. We demonstrate that the BayF3 family of murine pro-B lymphocytes represents the first example of a mammalian cell line that fails to express IRP1 protein or mRNA. First, all of the IRE binding activity in BayF3-gp55 cells is attributable to IRP2. Second, synthesis of IRP2, but not of IRP1, is detectable in BayF3-gp55 cells. Third, the BayF3 family of cells express IRP2 mRNA at a level similar to other murine cell lines, but IRP1 mRNA is not detectable. In the BayF3 family of cells, alterations in iron status modulated ferritin biosynthesis and TfR mRNA level over as much as a 20- and 14-fold range, respectively. We conclude that IRP1 is not essential for regulation of ferritin or TfR expression by iron and that IRP2 can act as the sole IRE-dependent mediator of cellular iron homeostasis.
  • iron metabolismycytosolic aconitase,
  • iron-sulfur protein,
  • RNA binding protein,
  • translational control
Publication Date
September, 1997
Publisher Statement
© 1997 by The National Academy of Sciences. Posted with permission.
Citation Information
Kevin Schalinske, Kenneth P. Blemings, Daniel W. Steffen, Opal S. Chen, et al.. "Iron regulatory protein 1 is not required for the modulation of ferritin and transferrin receptor expression by iron in a murine pro-B lymphocyte cell line" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Vol. 94 Iss. 20 (1997) p. 10681 - 10686
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